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Trip to Denver Botanical Gardens – Dale Chihuly

August 9, 2015

A fantastic journey through Denver!  While it may be the 21st most populated metropolis in the country, with 2.7 million people, it doesn’t feel like it. Denver is a great city, with character, culture and friendly people. Visiting my dad and stepmom in Boulder is always such a treat. Continue Reading…

Food, Travel

The Beginning!

August 2, 2015

My stepmom Eva has such a wonderful and beautiful view on food and its presentation. She’s been part of my inspiration to begin my own journey through this blog craze thing. I’ve always wanted to share my stories, recipes of sweet treats (I’m a bit of a sweet tooth), and my love of the art world, but I had no idea where or how to begin. I kept making excuses as to why I shouldn’t start one rather than just jump right in.

Where do you begin with a blog? Isn’t that where everyone starts, at the beginning? But having 25 years of journeys, stories and challenges where do you “really” begin? Continue Reading…